A token of gratitude
The Creatives of COVID: Finding Inspiration Amid a Pandemic
my experience with Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Some select awards and accolades
Media Architecture Biennale Awards 2018
BUILD Architecture Awards 2018
U of O ECS Case Study Hall of Fame 2012
AIA Pittsburgh Honor Award 2011
Mellon Grant for Research 2008
ABPM World Class Briefing Center Award, 2022
GOOD DESIGN Award 2018
Digital Signage Expo Apex Award 2017
(3) U of O Student Archive 2011
Chancellor’s Award, Pitt, 2010
“Eli has a great mind for spatial strategy and the experience to back it up. He’s worked on many large scale installation projects that are both successful and beautiful. His architectural background alllows him to pull relevant historical precidents into today’s context and stays current within the design profession. Best of all though he’s got a great attitude and a pleasure to work with. His willingness to go the extra mile and passion for protyping leads him to arrive at the best solutions backed up by real data. His knowledge of construction means and methods gave our team the insight we needed to make the best design decisions. I highly recommend working with Eli.”